
InDesign Blinds’ Aluminium Venetian Blind in Mauve presents a subtle, sophisticated option for those looking to add a touch of refinement to their interiors. The gentle, understated hue of this blind brings a sense of calm and elegance, ideal for bedrooms, living rooms, or offices seeking a serene ambiance. The Mauve blind seamlessly integrates with various decors, adding a layer of sophistication without overwhelming the space. Its aluminium slats are designed for durability and ease of use, providing effective light control and privacy while enhancing the room’s aesthetic appeal. Whether you’re aiming to create a peaceful sanctuary or a stylish, contemporary space, the Mauve Aluminium Venetian Blind from InDesign Blinds offers a blend of functionality and elegant design, making it a great addition to any room.
Width 350 – 3600
Height 600 – 3600
Chain control side – Left or Right
Fitting – Recess (We will deduct 5mm from total width of the blind) or Face Fit (We will make the blind to exact measurements provided)


Aluminium Venetian Blind internal mauve

from $117

Color Venetian / mauve